Skip to content loyalty programme – rebranding and UX/UI


Keep ’em coming back…

It’s been a fab few months at working with a great team. As part of the UX department, I worked closely with UX designers to bring their wireframes to life.

In such a collaborative atmosphere, there are no hard and fast lines where their work ends and a creative designer’s work begins – so being able to take on board the different ways a user interacts with a variety of different media, from web to mobile, android to iOS, is all part of the deal.

One of the big projects was working on the loyalty programme, Welcome Rewards. New branding for the company also meant a chance to take a look at how it was selling it. One of the best loyalty programmes out there, customers basically get 10% of what they spend back, it hadn’t been sold well on the site, meaning customers didn’t sign up for it, and those that did have trouble understanding how it worked…

My role was to take the very general branding that had been supplied by an external agency and make it work on the site – taking much more of a strategic look at how the programme was promoted and using my (many!) years of experience in communications.

This also meant revising some work on the account area,  changing what had been a progress bar to a ‘stamp card’ design that better represented the idea to customers, making it clearer for them just how close they were to their next reward.

Unsurprisingly, this really did touch every aspect of, from search result and property details pages, to emails.

So far the feedback is that this has been very successful, and is really getting the programme noticed now…

Photoshop, Illustrator.